
This recipe is from the post: Ma’amool for Easter

About 6 dozen cookies, can be halved

2 lbs. farina (cream of wheat)
1 lb. butter (softened)
1 cup flour
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup milk

1 lb. ground walnuts OR 1 lb. chopped pitted dates (I used a mixture)
1 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix butter, farina, flour and sugar well. Stir in milk to form a workable dough. (Even with softening the butter, I ended up using my hands to thoroughly incorporate the ingredients.) Shape dough into walnut sized balls. Flatten these out with your thumbs in the palm of your hand, making a little curved saucer. Spoon or place your filling in the center, and pinch the edges together into a crescent, then form gently back into a ball, press into the mold then sharply rap them out.

Place cookies on greased baking sheet (I used a silpat) and bake at 325 degrees for 15 minutes (It took a good 20-25 minutes in my oven at this temp).

Allow the cookies to cool completely, then dust with powdered sugar. They will keep for about a week in an airtight container.

4 thoughts on “Ma’amool

  1. Pingback: Little Hands A Big Help In the Kitchen « Profiteroles & Ponytails

  2. Pingback: Happy Easter! | bits and breadcrumbs

  3. Pingback: Gifts a Go-Go: Homemade Chai Tea Mix and So Much More | bits and breadcrumbs

  4. Pingback: Cookies for Santa and a Merry Christmas to All! | bits and breadcrumbs

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