Strawberry Shortcake for Breakfast and the ABC Award

We’ve had some fine Florida strawberries in the market lately and I wanted to make something special with them…at least special to us as we don’t eat dessert all the time around here. Enter the current issue of Bon Appetit, where I saw this recipe for shortcake that sounded intriguing and a bit healthier than some. Not that it has any ‘diet’ ingredients, or low fat this or that, but it incorporates ground almonds and oats into the batter…lovely! I tweaked it only a little in that I used half and half instead of cream because that’s what I had on hand. The result was really flavorful and not too sweet, with a coarser and more crumbly texture than the traditional biscuit or cake-y versions. We had some for dessert the first time, and then I realized I’d like it ever so much better for breakfast! I layered it with Greek yogurt instead of whipped cream and it was a really nice way to start the morning. Here’s the link to the original recipe, if you’d like to try it for yourself.

Meanwhile, more awards have come my way! It’s so gratifying to have fellow bloggers think so highly of you that they wish to acknowledge you on their own blogs, or award you in some way. I thank all of my blogging friends for their continued support, and thank all of my readers for following me wherever I go along these trails!

Julie over at Outtakes on the Outskirts kindly nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award. Julie’s blog is about her experiences living in rural Ohio including some really funny moments with her cat, Cougar. She’s crafty and creative, and I’ve learned a lot from her posts including a terrific new place to hang earrings in the form of a radiator grill! Thank you Julie, and here is a link to my answers and original post for the Liebster Blog Award.

Two bloggers have awarded me the ABC Award, Mandy over at The Complete Cookbook and Choc Chip Uru at Go Bake Yourself. Mandy always has such great posts ranging from recipes to sound kitchen wisdom, from shots of her fur babies (cats) to her travels. Plus she’s got a new camera and she’s taking some really awesome shots, so do check her out. Choc Chip Uru is a very bright and talented 16 year old, who bakes like a demon! I get a happy sugar high just from reading her delectable posts on everything sweetly imaginable. If you love desserts, you really need to check out this gal’s blog. Heck, even if you don’t have a huge sweet tooth you should see what she’s up to. And she’s only 16! Wow, you have to admire that inventive spirit and dedication to blogging…I couldn’t have done it at that age, I can only blog now that I’m just a few years older! 😉 Thank you both, ladies!

There are no specific rules attached to this fun award; just thank the person who gave it to you and share something about yourself using each letter of the alphabet…this was very hard for me!!! Then, pay the love forward to as many or as few bloggers as you wish, which is always tough to do, not only because there are so many great blogs, but because I tend to forget someone I want to mention whenever I do this! I’m taking the road that Mandy chose, and will pass this along to my “top recent” and my longest time commenters to say thanks for your support, and because I’d like to give them a shout out…whether or not you already have this award. They are listed at the end of this post.

A – Artistic

B – Brown-eyed girl

C – Caring/Calm

D – Dedicated

E – Eater…ummm, yes!

F – Friend, I try to be a good one!

G – Genuine

H – Happy. I think making a conscious effort to find happiness in one’s life and to be happy is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, your health and to others…just sayin’

I – Inquisitive

J – June bugs. I think they’re funny creatures. When I was a kid we used to tie thread to their legs and watch them fly. Kids can be cruel…but I digress.

K – Kind…it’s important, even if you don’t feel like it.

L – Loving/Learning/Lightening bugs! We just rescued one in the house, in March, mind you. That guy was all mixed up!

M – Married, with two kitty girl kids

N – Nature lover

O – Optimistic, it’s what gets your through the day and the tough times

P – Positive, in general, because negativity doesn’t get you very far down the road

Q – Quark…I just love the word, not the software so much…quark! quark!

R – Realistic, but not pessimistic

S – Science Fiction. Love it, am on the 5th book of The Game of Thrones Series, and am a Trek fan from way back.

T – Thumbelina and Cinderella, our two shelter kitties (their names stuck)

U – Understanding. Sometimes to a fault.

V – Vivacious…don’t know that I am so much as I love the word!

W – Wife and Writer.

X – X-rays. I hate getting them and think they are overused.

Y – Young at heart…I like to think so!

Z – Zebras…they are so cool and who wouldn’t want to have black and white stripes, I ask you?

And my nominees are:

John, from the Bartolini kitchens

Sharyn, The Kale Chronicles 

Barb, Profiteroles and Ponytails

Eva, Kitchen Inspirations

Yummy, Yummy Chunklet

Karen, Backroad Journals

Barbara, Just a Smidgen

Tanya, Chica Andaluza

Kay, Pure Complex

Cecilia, The Kitchens Garden

Greg, Rufus’ Food and Spirits Guide

Cheers, you guys! Ahhh, “D” is for done!

48 thoughts on “Strawberry Shortcake for Breakfast and the ABC Award

  1. How nice of you to nominate me, Betsy, thank you so much. I love reading these little tidbits of info…one really gets to know our fellow bloggers through a tiny peep hole, but it’s better than nothing and so much fun! I shall have to put some thought into my award post, thank you kindly.
    Your shortcake photo looks delightful and I can see exactly what you mean by the pastry being a bit crumblier than most…however, to me it looks cookie like, but very very tasty non-the-less. Strawberries and cream…YUM!


    • Hi Eva, and you’re very welcome for the award…thanks for being such a loyal follower! Though this does look cookie-like, it’s actually more like a scone with oats in it, I would say, but it’s not as fluffy or biscuit-like as most scones. I actually had trouble describing it, but it was tasty!


  2. Ah! Fresh strawberries! I bought some last weekend and made jam with them. How could I not? This shortcake sounds delicious as a dessert but your idea of serving it with yogurt for breakfast really hit home with me. That really sounds good, Betsy. Congratulations for receiving the ABC Award and I enjoyed your responses to the challenge. Thank you for passing it along to me. I hope to get my response finished ASAP.


    • Oooooh, strawberry jam sounds devine! Yes the oats and almonds in a little bready package, plus strawberries (with a splash of Grand Marnier) and yogurt sounded like a complete breakfast to me…and that was shot this a.m. just before I had it for breakfast! I’m glad you like the idea and my responses on the ABC’s. I know Mandy mentioned you in this award, too, but I wanted to give you a shout out just the same for any of my readers that hadn’t found you! 🙂 I look forward to reading your responses…you always do such a great job with these things!


  3. Thank you for nominating me fro the ABC, I did do it once before but I very much appreciate being nominated again.. thank you and your strawberry shortcake looks wonderful, i cannot wait until our strawberries start to fruit. I saw a flower on one the other day though. So i shall be back for the recipe.. have a lovely day.. c


    • Hey Cecilia…I knew that some of my nominees had this award already, but I wanted to give shout-outs to folks who’ve been loyal followers, as well as perhaps send your way any new readers who haven’t read your blog yet. You’re most welcome for the re-nomination! Sounds like you’ll have strawberries soon…lucky you!


    • The shortcake breakfast version is a bit Easter-ish somehow, and I thought the same this morning when I was eating it. And you’re so welcome for the nomination, Tanya! I look forward to reading your ABC’s if you decide to play along.


  4. Oh fresh strawberries, I’ve just been planting a few more (you never can have enough can you!) and to make awonderful dessert too. And congratulations on all your awards, it was fun to read a bit more about you 🙂


    • I so look forward to strawberry season and wish I could grow my own. And yes, it’s had to get your fill of the fresh ones…when they’re out of season, they don’t taste like anything, but in season they are magnificent…my favorite fruit. Thanks for your commets and compliments! 🙂


  5. Congrats on winning this award :). And thank you so much for awarding me with this beautiful award :). I was shocked to see my name lol.. maybe because I’m stressed here at work lol. I love the award.. but I also love that strawberry shortcake.. oh yeah, that’s what I would love to have right about now. I would probably eat two of those lol. I so am having dessert thoughts


    • You’re so welcome, Kay! And as always, not rush or stress to even acknowledge or do anything about the award. It should all be fun and when you’re really busy, sometimes it’s tough to get to these things. Wish I could send you some of this shortcake as a stress reliever!


  6. Congratulations on your awards! I love a good strawberry shortcake and love this recipe.. the idea of almost makes it so much healthier (it adds protein, right?) I think it is the perfect morning meal and love the idea of yogurt and strawberries plopped over it. Thanks so much for my nomination.. I really enjoy coming here and reading your posts, Betsy! I just love your header.. it’s so cheery!


    • Thank you Barbara, for all of your great compliments! I’m glad you like the header…I would say the same about your header, and love how you switch out those amazing photos of yours. And of course, you are most welcome for the nomination!


  7. Congrats on so many wonderful awards my friend!
    You deserve them – and your shout out was lovely, thank you 😀
    Also you certainly celebrated in style! What a magnificent breakfast!!! One of my favourite desserts 🙂
    Have a wonderful Easter and see you in a week!

    Choc Chip Uru


    • Hey, thank YOU for the award, and you’re most deserving of the shout out…meant every word. Yes, I think I may have to make the strawberry shortcake with yogurt breakfast more frequently…it’s festive and addictive! You have a wonderful Easter and holiday as well, Ms. Uru!


  8. I’m behind on my reading, Betsy (Fiona the cat wandered into the vacant house again), so I didn’t know to include you in my recent list of blogging award thank yous. I’ll thank you and link to you in my next post. I will have to hunt up Bon Appetit for the shortcake recipe — oats and ground almonds sound good and I will probably make it with half and half as you did. Congratulations on the well-deserved awards.


    • Hi Sharyn, thank you! And no worries about thanking me in your post…you just did! 🙂 I’ve just now caught up on two weeks of posts after being MIA while dealing with my husband’s health issues, so I know how it is…even just a few days behind can be a LOT behind. Just know I wanted to give you a shout-out. The recipe is in the current issue of Bon Ap and the link is above as well. We enjoyed the last of the shortcake by itself this a.m. with coffee….like a scone. They aren’t too sweet and have that nice oatmeal tooth.


  9. Congratulations and I love each little tidbit that I learn about you. Now I have a challenge to answer the ABC’s…thank you so much Betsy. I really appreciate your thinking of me and my blog.


  10. Betsy, thanks so much for the nomination. I was just thinking — I haven’t seen a post from Betsy for a while so I popped by. Not sure how I missed your post. Can I blame it on post-vacation brain? I can’t believe that Choc Chip Uru is only 16. I’m with you, slightly older and just can’t imagine blogging about my food creations at that age. I love the idea of using Greek yogurt and having shortcake for breakfast. Genius!


    • Hi Barb, I know how easy it is to miss posts. I’m unable to post as much as I’d like lately…too much going on, and that also means I’m in a constant state of catch-up with everyone else! Glad you like the idea of this for breakfast. It was pretty awesome, and even the shortcake by itself was great with coffee…much like a scone. You’re most welcome for the nomination and I hope you have a very Happy Easter!


  11. Congratulations on your awards
    I love the almond and oats in the shortcake, it must make for a very interesting texture. I brought strawberries today and this seems like a great way to use them
    P.S. thank you for stopping by my blog and for following. I hope you will enjoy the coming posts


    • Hi Sawson, and thank you for your compliments and for following me! I’m really looking forward to reading more of your great looking blog now that I’ve discovered you! The almonds and oats are an interesting texture…definitely more crumbly than a traditional shortcake, but a lovely mix with the strawberries. I liked this better with the yogurt than the whipped cream!


  12. Pingback: Smoked Salmon Mousse in Cucumber Cups and the ABC Award « Kitcheninspirations

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