A (not so) funny thing…

Gimme a hand!

Gimme a hand!

…happened on the way out of town for Christmas. Yep. In a year already full of, shall we say, interesting events, I somehow managed to sprain my knuckle in a most peculiar way while winterizing our deck. Don’t ask me how exactly one can actually sprain or throw a knuckle out of joint by simply flicking a drop of water off of one’s finger while at the same time holding three empty tea candles and an empty plastic bag…but I did it!

All to say that both cooking and typing have slowed tremendously this week as I was finally forced to bandage my hand to keep from continuously popping the knuckle and so that it can have a chance to heal. As I am right handed, my left hand is really getting a workout trying to keep up.

So let this be a lesson to you all to stay in the relative safety and warmth of your kitchens with your sharp knives, lest you risk debilitating injury by traversing outdoors for but a moment. Thank goodness I’ll have just enough flexibility to hold a glass of champagne in a couple of days!

Have a safe and warm weekend. ~Betsy


43 thoughts on “A (not so) funny thing…

  1. Betsy, I am so sorry this happened. As the saying goes, we should get together and make a pair. I fell over three very heavy, very large stainless steel baskets in Williams-Sonoma, Lenox Square, Christmas Eve afternoon. I was following a clerk and not looking down, of course. I screamed, she brought me a chair and an ice pack. I also have a lovely bruise but at least my ability to hold a glass is not impaired! 😉 Happy New Year to you and Dave!


    • Oh my goodness, Barbara, that is terrible and so frightening! I’m so relieved that you’re ok. Mine is just a freak and annoying thing that I probably didn’t help by “carrying on” with cooking and what not as though it hadn’t happened. Wishing you and Jim a happy and healthy New Year! 🙂


  2. Betsy, you and I make a great team. Mr. Anonymous keeps calling me stubby. Wishing you a quick recovery. Remember doctors orders…no vacuuming, doing dishes, or laundry for one week. Enjoy your holiday from domestic responsibilities. Take care, BAM


  3. Sorry, Betsy, to hear of your mishap. Around here, it isn’t a holiday until there’s a bruise, burn, or cut — and when all else fails, the smoke detector will go off just before the holiday dinner is served. This year, I’ve been able to avoid all of those pitfalls. I’ve got the flu. It’s always something …
    I hope your injury won’t interfere with your drinking a toast on New Year’w Eve. Wishing you a wonderful 2013!


    • Thank you, John, and I’m so sorry to hear you have the flu…that’s a real bummer. At least I’ve felt fine other than my hand. Funny you mention the smoke alarm. The flu in our fireplace was open while we had a fire, then suddenly a cold wind blew all the smoke and heat back down and into the house. Thank goodness I had practice from oven mishaps running around opening doors and airing out the house before the smoke alarms could go off! Feel better soon, and a very Happy and Healthy 2013 to you.


  4. Betsy, so sorry. I’m one of those people who can trip on a piece of lint, so I understand completely! I’m *not* one of those people who plugs their own blog in comments on other people’s blogs, but your story and your remark about sharp knives made me think you’d really appreciate a certain story about my mother and knives, so … http://delightfulrepast.blogspot.com/2012/06/pork-chops-pork-chop-incident.html – You might find it encouraging!


    • Jean, I can’t believe your mom was able to deal with her situation so well. I would have fainted! Mine is not nearly so drastic I think, though I may need to see a doctor before it’s all said and done. I’m hoping it will heal by the end of this week. Thanks for your good thoughts!


  5. You pour thing! Bad timing to hurt a very important part of the hand. I dislocated my thumb back in high school and it was no fun. They popped it back into place but I wasn’t suppose to “use” it for a while so it could heal…bad timing on my part too, I was playing v-ball and b-ball at the time….urrr! I understand your frustration. May the new year bring you a “new” (healed) thumb, lol


    • Hi Lilly Sue and thank you so much for your kind words! I apologize for not replying to your comment sooner…this one and the crinkle cookies ended up in my spam folder for some reason. 😦 But I’ve rescued you and hopefully WP won’t do that again. Happy New Year to you!


  6. Oh, so sorry Betsy!! I don’t know what I’d do if my hand was out of commission!! although, now I’m thinking, it would get my son to help me out more in the kitchen!! Well, the new year can only get better and it so will!! Happy New Year!!


    • It’s a drag, Linda and I highly do NOT recommend it! Could always be worse, though. Right now I’m planning on making my blackeyed pea and collard soup with all pre-chopped ingredients! 😉 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, TOO! Oops…sorry for shouting…not good typeing with the left hand.


    • Hi Claire, and thank you for your good wishes. My hand is much better and I’m back in the kitchen this weekend, albeit moving slowly. No bandage now, at least, but it probably still needs a week to fully recover.


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