A Year Ago…

What makes one start a blog? There are so many answers to that question that it boggles the mind.

For some, it’s a way to express their passion about what they enjoy doing most. For others, it’s a means to an end in pursuit of a writing career. And maybe for all of us, it’s a way to reach out of the loneliness that our human existence can sometimes have, and share common interests and conversation, while learning a thing or two in the process. Whatever one’s reason may be for starting a blog, the end result is exposing yourself to a whole new world. And that’s actually what I like about it the most! Continue reading

Day Tripping: Mountains, a Winery and a Picnic

Lovely Dicks Creek Falls at the juncture of Waters Creek and Dick’s Creek in the Chattahoochee National Forest.

As I’ve alluded to before, we’ve had a rather turbulent Spring around here thus far which has resulted in a few blips on my blogging radar, as well as generating a pervasive feeling of constantly playing catch-up. After returning to town last week, I found myself extremely busy with a hundred things to do on my plate and by the time the weekend approached, I had begun to feel the need to get away from it all for a few hours and recharge the emotional batteries. What better way to do that than a little day trip, I ask you? Continue reading

Birthday in Highlands

First I will say that Saturday was my birthday and my dear husband gave me a new camera, so you can evolve with me as I figure out how to use it and (hopefully) make better pictures than we’ve seen thus far. Yes, I confess it…all my photos were taken with a phone up to this point!

So, back to my birthday…we live within 2 hours of a gorgeous mountain area called Highlands, North Carolina, and since the first day of October was a stunningly beautiful fall day in the south—complete with very cool fall temps—we decided to go there to celebrate. (Lucky me!) Continue reading

Virginia really is for Lovers…of Life, Food, Wine and Nature

A pastoral setting, to say the least.

First, forgive me for the lack of posting for a while. This is truly the longest I’ve gone between posts since I started this blog. Work deadlines are the main culprit, and being out of town…and more work deadlines. Reality sets in, folks, but I am back! And I have lots to share with you. So sit back and read my story about taking a little trip to Virginia.

A dear girlfriend of mine and her husband have a lovely home on a farm in Afton, Virginia, and last weekend I flew up for my first visit and a girls’ weekend. Little did I know what a fun, tasty, adventurous and beautiful interlude lay ahead. Continue reading

Quick Bite: Oakhurst Market

The remaining half of my pimento cheese sandwich, moments before it disappeared.

Doing errands earlier today. Stopped by to glance around the newly opened Oakhurst Market in the Oakhurst neighborhood of Decatur, GA. Very attractive place. Nice meats and produce, homemade bread, sweets, ice cream, wine, beer, flavored olive oils which are custom poured by the bottle, other useful pantry items, sandwiches and spreads. Snagged a pimento cheese sandwich out of the cold case on the fly. Homemade pimento cheese, served on homemade white bread, thin slices of cucumber in between the pimento cheese which has the tiniest bit of sherry wine vinegar in it. Inspired, and only $3.00! Sweet. Can’t wait to see how they progress. Will go back.

A Rosé By Any Other Name…

One beautiful sunny summer day 11 years ago, while sitting in a little bistro in a small village overlooking the Mediterranean in the south of France, I tasted my first glass of a Provençal rosé wine. The moment I breathed in the fragrance of it—the grass, the flowers, the fruit, the slight minerality—I started to understand and really appreciate the difference between red and white wines, and what can happen in between. At that moment, I became a devout fan, and rosé is now my favorite warm weather wine. Continue reading

Summer in the South: A Few of My Favorite Things

Easy, refreshing and delicious Buttermilk-Basil Sorbet

Summer has not been my favorite of the seasons. Of course as a child, there were some things I really liked about it: no school, swimming and vacation were chief amongst them. But summer is always hot here in the South…really hot. And I like cooler weather better.

As time goes on, though, I’m coming back around to appreciating summer again­—it does have a lot going for it, after all. Longer and lazier days, cooking outdoors, taking a dip in cold bodies of water, and tons of fresh produce. Here’s my little laundry list of a few of my favorite things about summer, the things I look forward to—most of which are food and drink related, of course! What are yours? Continue reading